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CCI Addresses Morehouse College Students

FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA – January 3, 2011 - Computer Consultants International’s (CCI) Principal met with a group of students from Morehouse College (www.morehouse.edu) on the fall 2010 Enrichment Voyage from Semester At Sea. The students met with Semester At Sea veterans to discuss jobs, internships and career opportunities. 50 students attended the Career Session that discussed the practical side of the Semester At Sea event and how to leverage the experience. The students learned how to find jobs in the current economy, and how to best represent the experience gained on the cruise on a resume and in an interview. In-depth advice was given discussing resume creation including self-advertising, presentation, wording, and the look and feel of a resume as well as the practical side of career choice and finding the right job.

About Morehouse College
Since 1867 Morehouse College has been one of the finest colleges for African American men. Morehouse is committed to training the leaders who will change their communities, the nation and the world. Morehouse College has a goal of being the finest liberal arts college in the nation. Not the finest historically black college, or Southern institution, or institution with similar enrollments or backgrounds. There is a world of professions and universities to choose from, and today, black men have access to them all. But many of the best and brightest choose Morehouse.

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